Stuart Cale - Psychotherapy

Jun 30, 2020

Stuart is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and the Principal of a national college which trains and accredits psychotherapists, psychotherapeutic counsellors and hypnotherapists, he is also a UKCP and BACP therapist, a clinical supervisor and an eternal student with a passion for all aspects of teaching and learning.

A former trial lawyer, Stuart made the transition to becoming a therapist after his own burn-out. His treatment sparked a fascination with the art and science of therapy and a second career journey that led him from student to principal of the college that trained him. These days he splits his time between training and supervising future generations of mental health professionals and working with clients in his private clinical practice near Manchester. 

His biggest passion is the understanding of the emotional, thought and behavioural elements of human ‘lived experience’ and the interplay between the self, the identity and the soul. A self-confessed lifelong student, his more recent research directions have been exploring the mental health of lawyers and psycho-educational methods in therapy.  

Learn more about The National College of Hypnosis & Psychotherapy
Learn more about Stuart

Recommended reading: "The Handbook of Individual Therapy" by Windy Dryden


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